Local Mental Health Resources
Here4Help is a new online library of useful tools and techniques to manage the stresses of dealing with COVID-19.
Resources are categorized according to:
- Children, Youth & Parents/Guardians
- Adults
- Seniors and caregivers
- Employers and employees
- Front line health care
In a world with information overload, the Here4Help site is a library of curated, best practice based resources that are refreshed regularly.
CMHA hopes that this site provides our community with information they need. This information will help your self-care journey and help you support others through these challenging times.
This website is a complimentary support to the direct service offered by CMHA Waterloo Wellington and our community partners. If you know of anyone who is in crisis or who needs service, please direct them to 1-844-HERE247. You can visit Here4Help at its own website: www.here4help.ca, or though the CMHA WW website: www.cmhaww.ca
Front Door is a partnership between Carizon and Lutherwood.
They continue to offer Quick Access Service (single session counselling and consultation, at no cost) by phone and video, Monday through Thursday and Saturdays and can often provide same day appointments. While it is a single session model/approach, they can see families multiple times if that is helpful. They can also connect families to other services. These services include crisis supports, and other more intensive treatment programs for down the road (i.e. day treatment, etc.).
The client/family determines the focus of the session and this can really vary! Sometimes folks just want to vent, others want a new perspective on the situation, others are looking for coping strategies or practical parenting tools/skills (i.e. routine charts, etc.). Others come in crisis and so the focus is on safety planning and stabilization. When family conflict is the focus they find that individual sessions with the parent/caregiver and then youth is helpful when providing service by video or phone (rather than together). Front Door can support or find support to pretty much anything! This includes situations related to parenting, child and youth emotional wellbeing, behaviour, mental health, etc.
Families and youth can self-refer by calling 519-749-2932 (press 1 Monday through Friday, press 2 on Saturdays) or through the website www.frontdoormentalhealth.com.